『Weed Biology and Management』掲載論文リスト                           


John R. Teasdale, Parthan Pillai 2005 Contribution of ammonium to stimulation of smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.) germination by extracts of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) residue 5 1 19-25


Yuji Toukura, Enkhee Devee, Akio Hongo 2006 Uprooting and shearing resistances in the seedlings of four weedy species 6 1 35-43


Yirefu Firehun, Tana Tamado 2006 Weed flora in the Rift Valley sugarcane plantations of Ethiopia as influenced by soil types and agronomic practises 6 3 139-150