『Weed Biology and Management』掲載論文リスト                           


Park Nam-Il, Masaru Ogasawara, Koichi Yoneyama, Yasutomo Takeuchi 2001 Responses of annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) and creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) seedlings to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 1 4 222-225


Akihiro Takahashi, Sigeo Yamada, Katsunori Tanaka 2002 Mechanism of herbicidal activity of a new cyclohexane-1,3-dione, tepraloxydim to Poa annua L. 2 2 84-91


Suk Jin Koo, Hitoshi Kuramochi, Sang Heon Chae 2006 Herbicidal efficacy and selectivity of pyribenzoxim in turfgrasses 6 2 96-101


Hisahiro Kojima, Goshi Ohnuma, Hiroyoshi Omokawa 2009 Root growth profiles of Aveneae and Poeae plants in optically active α-methylbenzyl-3-p-tolylurea media 9 3 192-199


Stéphane Cordeau, Sandra Wayman, Carole Reibel, Florence Strbik, Bruno Chauvel, Jean-Philippe Guillemin 2018 Effects of drought on weed emergence and growth vary with the seed burial depth and presence of a cover crop 18 1 12-25